Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A new day in cyber world -- Hello world!

Good day~~ everybody! Yea, that's it, from this moment on I officially become a member of the so-called bloggers in the fantastic (insane?) cyber world. Well, I have been hanging around the Internet since 13 years ago while the Internet was being introduced nationwide in my beloved homeland, Malaysia. So, technically I'm no longer a newbie but, somehow, this is the first time I feel like posting my thoughts to the cyberspace.
Ellooo, again! Bye for now, see you soon on blogger.com...


Alfie Lim said...

oice 1, keep it up :D

Unknown said...

the first C++ programming class taught the very first lesson to command a computer to display and say "Hello World" to us?

"oh gosh!! the computer is talking to me!! oh no!!!somebody knock my head please!!!"