The Dark Knight is a superhero film directed and co-written by Christopher Nolan. Based on the widely known DC Comics character Batman, the movie is a sequel to Batman Begins.
The movie was released in July, 2008. It was reportedly numbers of advance tickets were sold prior to its box office debut in the North America region. The Dark Knight became the second movie ever to earn more than US$500 million at the North American box office, hitting a massive cumulative of US$526,068,474 in the US alone. How popular this movie was.
There is no sequel for the Dark Knight yet, anyway. Co-writer David Goyer told media recently that there is no script so far and Christopher Nolan has yet to sign on to any new project. There have been rumours suggesting that Hollywood stars like Johnny Depp and Philip Seymour Hoffman are set to play key roles in the Batman series but according to David Goyer, these are all plain rumours?
The fans are still looking forward to the next episode anyhow and would be interested in the installation of successor to the fantastic Heath Ledger who died before the release of the Dark Knight. Hopefully the crew would start filming in February, 2009 as reported earlier.
The movie was released in July, 2008. It was reportedly numbers of advance tickets were sold prior to its box office debut in the North America region. The Dark Knight became the second movie ever to earn more than US$500 million at the North American box office, hitting a massive cumulative of US$526,068,474 in the US alone. How popular this movie was.
There is no sequel for the Dark Knight yet, anyway. Co-writer David Goyer told media recently that there is no script so far and Christopher Nolan has yet to sign on to any new project. There have been rumours suggesting that Hollywood stars like Johnny Depp and Philip Seymour Hoffman are set to play key roles in the Batman series but according to David Goyer, these are all plain rumours?
The fans are still looking forward to the next episode anyhow and would be interested in the installation of successor to the fantastic Heath Ledger who died before the release of the Dark Knight. Hopefully the crew would start filming in February, 2009 as reported earlier.
Dark Knight nice ar? I didnt watch it also :p
Batman not my superheroes last time...hahha
nice ler~ try lar, it's not just a superhero movie but more than that :p
Batman was not my childhood superhero also, mine was Superman! :D
batman is the only superhero without supernatural powers... tak syiok... bergantung at equipments and bat mobile only... hahhaha
haha.. true also wor..
at least my Superman can fly without the help of equipment :D
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